여기 출근이 너무 신나는 사람이 한명 있습니다

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_06.27_[2023.06.24_19.06.24].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_06.28_[2023.06.24_19.06.44].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_06.32_[2023.06.24_19.07.01].jpg
자리에 덕질용품이 가득해서만은 아닙니다

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_06.39_[2023.06.24_19.07.20].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_06.41_[2023.06.24_19.07.26].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_06.59_[2023.06.24_19.08.06].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_07.17_[2023.06.24_19.08.29].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_07.28_[2023.06.24_19.08.51].jpg
하라는 일은 안하고 회사인터넷으로 정치인 은행계좌 해킹해서 동물보호단체에 기부하는 오늘의 주인공, 찰리

최애인 헤르미온느와 개꿀빠는 꿀따기를 하는줄 알았으나 

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_08.35_[2023.06.24_19.09.38].jpg
갑자기 회사 대표에게 불려가 정치인 해킹부터 학력위조까지 싹다걸리는데

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_09.08_[2023.06.24_19.10.16].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_09.27_[2023.06.24_19.10.39].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_09.34_[2023.06.24_19.10.50].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_09.47_[2023.06.24_19.11.04].jpg
그대로 잘리는줄 알았지만 무지 수상하고 지금까지 아무도 못 푼 하드드라이브에 걸린 암호를 해제하라는 일을 받는다.

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_10.06_[2023.06.24_19.11.21].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_12.49_[2023.06.24_19.12.06].jpg
하지만 개천재 찰리는 하루만에 풀어버리게 되고

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_13.07_[2023.06.24_19.12.39].jpg
회사와 대표에 대한 슈퍼내추럴한 진실을 목격하고는 충격에 빠진다

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_15.25_[2023.06.24_19.15.06].jpg
회사 대표가 인간을씹어먹는 괴물이라는걸 알자 바로 퇴근해 튈 준비를 하는 찰리

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_15.47_[2023.06.24_19.15.15].jpg
그런데 뭔가 이상해서 뒤를 돌아보니

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_15.53_[2023.06.24_19.15.40].jpg
사람말고 파이먹는 괴물들의 괴물 등장

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_15.56_[2023.06.24_19.16.08].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_15.59_[2023.06.24_19.16.48].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_15.59_[2023.06.24_19.16.44].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_16.00_[2023.06.24_19.17.00].jpg
찰리는 전설의 검으로 갑자기 등장한 대문짝들을 공격해보지만

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_16.01_[2023.06.24_19.17.14].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_16.01_[2023.06.24_19.17.17].jpg
존나튼튼한 우리애들한텐 먹히지 않고

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_17.39_[2023.06.24_19.18.00].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_17.40_[2023.06.24_19.18.05].jpg
침착하고 상황을 설명하는 침입자들

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_17.57_[2023.06.24_19.18.30].jpg
다니던 회사의 대표가 온 세상 인간들을 우걱우걱할 계획이라는걸 알게되는데

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_17.42_[2023.06.24_19.18.14].jpg
정의로운 찰리는 이들을 도와 회사에 잠입하여 괴물들의 계획을 해킹해내기로 한다

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_21.43_[2023.06.24_19.20.04].jpg
그런데 막상 회사 앞에 가니 발이 안떨어지는데

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_21.55_[2023.06.24_19.20.38].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_22.01_[2023.06.24_19.20.50].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_22.06_[2023.06.24_19.21.04].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_22.11_[2023.06.24_19.21.16].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_22.14_[2023.06.24_19.21.28].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_22.17_[2023.06.24_19.21.35].jpg
해포비 눈높이 맞춤형 응원으로 두려움을 이겨내고 각오를 다지는 찰리

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_23.08_[2023.06.24_19.22.14].jpg
막상 들어와보니 은근 할만한 것 같다

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_23.52_[2023.06.24_19.22.34].jpg
그런데 최상층, 대표의 사무실 앞에서 또다시 난관에 봉착하는데

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_23.54_[2023.06.24_19.22.40].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.10_[2023.06.24_19.23.04].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.12_[2023.06.24_19.23.10].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.15_[2023.06.24_19.23.20].jpg
남자가 자기한테 관심있는건 누구보다 빠르게 알아채는 디노

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.20_[2023.06.24_19.23.30].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.27_[2023.06.24_19.23.44].jpg
대충 꼬드겨서 친해진다음 화장실간다고 하고 슬쩍 들어갈 생각인데

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.36_[2023.06.24_19.24.19].jpg
우리 찰리는 레즈대장이라 그런거 못한다구요

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_24.38_[2023.06.24_19.24.27].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.05_[2023.06.24_19.25.24].jpg
결국 디노가 찰리를 조종해주기로 한다

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.15_[2023.06.24_19.25.53].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.16_[2023.06.24_19.25.59].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.25_[2023.06.24_19.26.19].jpg
이어폰으로 대사와 지문을 하나하나 불러주는 딘과 그대로 따라하는 찰리

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.35_[2023.06.24_19.26.57].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.37_[2023.06.24_19.27.04].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.42_[2023.06.24_19.27.17].jpg
수상하게 남자를 잘 꼬시는 디노의 활약으로 잘 넘어가나 싶었는데

Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_25.52_[2023.06.24_19.27.40].jpg
Supernatural (2005) - S07E20 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (1080p BluRay x265 Silence).mkv_snapshot_26.05_[2023.06.24_19.27.51].jpg
혈육이 남자를 꼬시고있는걸 보고 웃음을 참지 못한 새미가 웃게 되고 ㅂㅁㄱ을 못한 디노가 혼내는걸 찰리가 그대로 따라하는 바람에 일이 꼬이게 되는데.....

과연 찰리는 무사히 경비원을 제끼고 세계 최대 머기업 회장의 컴퓨터를 털어올 수 있을까?

오늘 슈내올나에서 보는 7x20 <던전앤드래곤 문신을 한 소녀>에서 확인해보자!
잠시후 9시 슈내올나!