view 8950
2020.08.06 12:04

인디아나 존스 레이더스에서 조지 루카스, 스티븐 스필버그, 래리 캐스단이 마리온 캐릭 구상하는 부분읽다가 할말을 잃음

G — We have to get them cemented into a very strong relationship. A bond.
L — I like it if they already had a relationship at one point. Because then you don't have to build it.
G — I was thinking that this old guy could have been his mentor. He could have known this little girl when she was just a kid. Had an affair with her when she was eleven.
L — And he was forty-two.
G — He hasn't seen her in twelve years. Now she's twenty-two. It's a real strange relationship.
S — She had better be older than twenty-two.
G — He's thirty-five, and he knew her ten years ago when he was twenty-five and she was only twelve.
G — It would be amusing to make her slightly young at the time.
S — And promiscuous. She came onto him.
G — Fifteen is right on the edge. I know it's an outrageous idea, but it is interesting. Once she's sixteen or seventeen it's not interesting anymore. But if she was fifteen and he was twenty-five and they actually had an affair the last time they met. And she was madly in love with him and he...
S — She has pictures of him.
G — There would be a picture on the mantle of her, her father, and him. She was madly in love with him at the time and he left her because obviously it wouldn't work out. Now she's twenty-five and she's been living in Nepal since she was eighteen. It's not only that they like each other, it's a very bizarre thing, it puts a whole new perspective on this whole thing. It gives you lots of stuff to play off of between them. Maybe she still likes him. It's something he'd rather forget about and not have come up again. This gives her a lot of ammunition to fight with.
S — In a way, she could say, "You've made me this hard."
G — This is a resource that you can either mine or not. It's not as blatant as we're talking about. You don't think about it that much. You don't immediately realize how old she was at the time. It would be subtle. She could talk about it. "I was jail bait the last time we were together." She can flaunt it at him, but at the same time she never says, "I was fifteen years old." Even if we don't mention it, when we go to cast the part we're going to end up with a woman who's about twenty-three and a hero who's about thirty-five.

조지 루카스: 이 둘한테 끈끈한 관계를 줘야겠음.

래리 캐스단: 과거에 사귀었던 걸로 했으면 좋겠음. 그럼 굳이 새로 관계 맺는 과정을 거칠 필요가 없잖음

조루: 이 아빠(에브너 레이븐우드)가 존스의 멘토였으면 어떰? 그래서 여자애가 꼬맹이었을 때부터 알았던 거임. 얘가 열한살 때 사귀었던 걸로..

래캐: 그리고 아빠는 당시 42살이었던 걸로 하고

조루: 존스는 얘를 못본지 12년 된거임. 이제 걔가 지금은 스물두살 아가씨가 된거고. 좀 묘한 관계인거지

스티븐 스필버그: 스물두살보단 더 많아야 할 거 같음

​​​​​​​조루: 존스가 35살이고 십년전에 얘를 알았을 땐 스물다섯이었고 여자애는 열두살로 하는 거임

​​​​​​​조루: 당시에 여자애가 좀 어릴수록 재밌을 거 같음

​​​​​​​스스: 그리고 발랑까져야함. 얘가 존스를 꼬신 거지

​​​​​​​조루: 열다섯이 딱 아슬아슬하게 좋겠음. 좀 논란이 되겠지만 흥미로운 설정임. 열여섯이나 열일곱이라고 하면 별로 재미가 없음. 열다섯이랑 스물다섯이라고 하고 실제로 사귀었던 관계로 하고 여자애가 존스한테 완전 빠졌던 걸로..

​​​​​​​스스: 존스 사진들까지 아직도 가지고 있는 걸로 하고

​​​​​​​조루: 그래 사진 좋다! 존스랑 자기랑 자기 아빠랑 찍은 사진 올려두게 하는 거지. 그때 얘는 존스한테 완전 미쳐있었고 존스는 안될 관계이니까 얘를 떠난 거지. 이제 스물다섯 여자가 됐고 18살때 네팔에 와서 살기 시작한 거임. 둘이 서로 좋아만 한게 아니고 아주 묘한 상황인거임. 과거의 일이 현재를 새롭게 조명하는 거임 둘이 서로 티키타카할 꺼리도 많이 생기게 하는 거임. 얘는 아직도 존스를 좋아하는 그런 거..존스는 잊어버리고 싶고 꺼내고 싶지 않은 일인데..그렇게 얘가 존스한테 싸움을 걸 무기가 되는 거지

​​​​​​​스스: 그니까 얘가 존스보고 '당신이 (떠나버려서) 날 이렇게 단단하게 만들었다'고 대사치는 거지

조루: 이걸 자세히 파고 들 수도 있고 안할 수도 있을 듯. 이렇게 대놓고 묘사할 필요는 없고 굳이 계속 상기시킬 필요도 없음. 정확히 얘가 그때 몇살이었는지를 깨닫게 찍을 필요는 없고 은근하게 암시만 하는 거지. 마리온한테 "예전에 우리가 만났을 때 난 jailbait(성적매력이 있는 미성년자)이었죠" 뭐 이런 대사를 줄 수 있을 듯. 그걸 막 자랑하게 하지만 절대로 정확히 열다섯살이었다 이런 말은 안하게 하는 거지. 어차피 배우 캐스팅할 때 여배우는 스물셋 정도로 할거고 남주는 서른 다섯으로 할거니까.

시발 남자 셋이서 대체 이게 뭐냐;;
2020.08.06 15:27
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