view 108
2024.09.21 17:58

And when you slam
Down the hammer
Can you see it in your heart?
All of the rumors
Keeping me grounded
I never said, I never said that they were
Completely unfounded
So when you slam
Down the hammer
Can you see it in your heart?
Can you delve so low?
And when you're standing
On my fingers
Can you see it in your heart? Ah
And when you try
To break my spirit
It won't work
Because there's nothing left to break
All of the rumors
Keeping me grounded
I never said, I never said that they were
Completely unfounded
You won't sleep
Until the earth that wants me
Finally has me
Oh you've done it now
You won't rest
Until the hearse that becomes me
Finally takes me
Oh you've done it now
And you won't smile
Until my loving mouth
Is shut good and proper
All of the rumors
Keeping me grounded
I never said, I never said that they were
Completely unfounded
And all those lies
Written lies, twisted lies
Well, they weren't lies
They weren't lies
They weren't lies
I never said
I never said
I could have mentioned your name
I could have dragged you in
Guilt by implication
By association
I've always been true to you
In my own strange way
I've always been true to you
In my own sick way
I'll always stay true to you

Speedway가 마님을 향한 노래란 얘기도 있네... 20년도 더 전부터;; 조니 로건에 따르면 마님이 speedway에서 일한 적이 있다고

모리씨 Forgive someone 생각나기도 함
Forgive someone에서 “우리의 진실은 나와 함께 죽을 거”라고 말한 것처럼

80년대 스미스 시절 인터뷰에서 마님과의 관계 말한 것 / 실제로 스미스 시기에 대해선 많은 부분 침묵한 것이 떠오름

모리씨는 가끔 말할 수 없는 비밀스러운 관계에 대해 부르는데 그럴 때가 우리가 절대 알지 못할 영역을 짐작해보게 되는 듯..

댓글 작성 권한이 없음