view 14499
2024.11.18 03:28

In spite of the letters and threats, my mother went back to Fremlin, and stayed with him until he died in 2013. She said that she had been “told too late,” she loved him too much, and that our misogynistic culture was to blame if I expected her to deny her own needs, sacrifice for her children, and make up for the failings of men. She was adamant that whatever had happened was between me and my stepfather. It had nothing to do with her.

미자 딸이 계부한테 성폭행을 당했는데 죽을때까지 같이 살면서
나보고 내가 사랑하는 남자랑 헤어지라는 건 여혐이라고
내잘못이 아닌데 왜 내가 희생해야 되냐고 함;;;정신상태 뭐임 남자에 미쳤음??